Dr Majid Rasekhi |
Dr Majid Rasekhi
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Dr. Rasekhi is a pelvic reconstructive surgeon consulting at a number of
public and private hospitals. He is works as
obstetrician and gynaecologist at women’s and children’s hospital.
Dr. Rasekhi provides private gynaecology care at Calvary North Adelaide and North Eastern Community
Dr. Rasekhi’s special interest is treatment of urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic pain and laparoscopic surgeries. At his private rooms at North Adelaide and Modbury, Dr. Rasekhi provides conservative treatments for pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence. The following non-surgical treatments are provided:
- Neotonus chair: It is effective for improvement of pelvic muscle strength, prolapse, pelvic pain as well as urinary and faecal incontinence. Neotonus chair produces muscle contraction by using a magnetic field to release neurotransmitters at the level of muscle fibres.
The patient sits comfortably in the chair, fully dressed, with no wire connection.
The patient has to empty her bladder before treatment and
should not carry any credit card or electronic device such as mobile phone while sitting
in the chair.
Hundreds of women have been treated with Magnetic Wave Neotonus Chair at Dr. Rasekhi’s private practice. Neotonus chair is available at both North Adelaide and Modbury clinics.
- Touch LASER: The revolutionary MonaLisa Touch LASER is available at North Adelaide practice for women with severe pelvic and vaginal issues such as atrophic dry vagina and post menopausal urinary incontinence.
For many years, women were treated with vaginal or systemic oestrogen (female hormone) for the above conditions. Women with history of breast cancer, endometrial cancer, previous episode of deep vein thrombosis or adverse reaction to oestrogen had no alternative treatment options. Now with MonaLisa Touch LASER,
a long lasting and effective treatment is available for everybody.
It is virtually pain free and does not need any local or general
anaesthesia or admission in a hospital.
- Tibial Nerve Stimulation: Dr. Rasekhi offers a new treatment for patients with
overactive bladder who have not responded to the conventional treatments. It involves stimulation of
the tibial nerve at the level of the ankle for 30 minutes. The treatment works by increasing the threshold of
voiding centre in the central nervous system leading to a decrease in urinary frequency and urgency. Patients tolerate the treatment very well and most of
the early discomfort rapidly disappears after 1 minute.
- Botox Injection: The standard treatment for overactive bladder may not be successful in every case and some continue to suffer from urinary frequency and urge incontinence. On carefully selected patients, Botox injection can result in successful treatment of refractory urinary urge incontinence.
Dr. Rasekhi has had excellent results treating patients with pelvic pain and vaginismus (spasm of vaginal muscles) with Botox.
Dr. Rasekhi also performs colposcopy as a certified colposcopist. This is a procedure for diagnosis and treatment of abnormal
pap smears. At his room Dr. Rasekhi uses the advanced digital Ecleris Colposcope, which has capability to record digital photos and videos of cervical pathology. This enables future reviews and follow-ups.
Physiotherapy: Recently Alina has joined
our team to provide quality women’s physiotherapy. She is an
important part of our multidisciplinary treatment. Alina has
extensive experience as a senior physiotherapist managing women with pelvic floor weakness.
Dr. Rasekhi listens to your issues carefully and always tries to address your needs respectfully. Your problems may resolve with conservative management and sometimes,
you may only need reassurance. In many cases patients need a comprehensive multidisciplinary care and this may involve combined surgery, pelvic floor exercise with Neotonus chair and physiotherapy, treatment with Mona Lisa Touch LASER and occasionally medication.
Dr. Rasekhi will tailor your treatment based on your signs, symptoms,
a physical examination and investigation.